Tag Archive for: Fitness
Hello and welcome to my website.
For those who do not know me, I am Benjamin (Ben) Rushton. I am 28 and from the north east of Scotland and live with my Fiancée, Daughter Aria and Dog Piper.
I am an amateur triathlete racing for Team GBR AG at World and European Championship level. I only took up the sport 2 years ago and been loving it ever since.
My next big race is the World Cross Triathlon Championships in Romania (Targu Mures). The lead up to this race has not been an easy one with my work being very busy and also catching COVID offshore but thankfully I didn’t get it too bad. Over the last few weeks, I have been making good progress and getting back to my peak fitness. I am now going to be travelling from Inverness airport tomorrow and flying to Luton airport with an over night stay before heading straight to Targu Mures to meet with the rest of the Team GBR at the Team Hotel.
I am going into this race with an open mind. Currently, the water is 22 degrees so I will not be aloud to wear my wetsuit which presents another challenge in itself. I’m looking forward to the race and as always, I’ll be going into the race with the mind set of as long as I finish and don’t drown I’ve done well.
My race details are as per below:-
Wednesday 8th of June 14.30 – 12.30 uk time
Swim – Open Water 1km
Bike – Mountain Bike 27km
Run – Trail 7km
Timing :-
HTTPS://triathlon.org/timing on
Basic Tracking :-
Results :-